Does your MC have all the bells & whistles? The Value-Add MC

That “flashy person at the front of the room”, commanding your attention and making you laugh. They’re just a slick performer in a sharp outfit, right? Wheeled out to introduce the stars of your event - the CEO, award winners, and keynote speakers.

In reality, the MC is the cliched swan – graceful and composed on the surface, with feet paddling like blazes under the water. There’s no preening with this swan, just multi-tasking and keeping on track!

So, what does a truly accomplished MC bring to your event?

To draw another metaphor, you could think of the MC as a combination of conductor, choreographer, and ringmaster.

Prior to the event, your MC works with your event organiser behind the scenes to gain insight into the objectives of the event, the key messages to be delivered, the specifics of your organisation, and any potential post-event takeaways that can be delivered during the event.

Then, if you have a truly invested MC, the value add begins. The invested MC is not there to just do the job. This amazing person can add great value to your event and lift it to a new level.

Here are some value-add elements that I often incorporate when I work as an MC – skills and insights I have honed over many years of producing and hosting events.

  • Review and advise on your event schedule – understanding the nuance and timing of events and how to make your run sheet work so that your show runs seamlessly. And having the skill to “course-correct” if there are glitches – this is an MC artform.

  • Write or assist in writing script based on your brief, objectives, and key messaging.

  • Coach and rehearse your speakers. An MC is a professional speaker. An experienced one knows all the tricks of the trade (where to stand, how to move, when to make gestures, how to keep the audience engaged) and they can share this wisdom with your presenters. This can include advice on speaker content, slide composition, and images.

  • Become a creative partner for your event team. Working with your in-house organiser and external suppliers to develop and create key elements in the delivery of your event. Bringing fresh ideas and advising on how to create and plan “moments” to further engage your audience and ensure your event is memorable.

  • Providing advice on program & event strategy.

  • Creating an event “brand” – something that is unique to this event, that you can carry forward into daily transactions post-event.

  • Working with your event and/or production company to advise on best practice for your event. This might be ensuring the lighting is perfect for presentations, or working with the AV team to make sure you are getting the best value for your event, or advising on food and beverage selections and service, or the best set-up for your registration desk. These things help protect the integrity of your brand and event. I have seen what works and bring a wealth of experience to your event.

  • Choreograph your awards presentations so that everyone gets to stage and off again, and your schedule stays on track.

  • Interview keynote speakers and key presenters to create takeaway content that can be used post-event to support and embed your messaging.

  • Provide film capture of your event which might include interviews, red carpet, vox pops and interviews. Providing rich content for ongoing reinforcement of your key conference or event takeaways, as well as motivational memories for your guests.

  • Provide voice overs and back announcements to introduce key presenters.

  • Spontaneously creating “moments” to make the event memorable.

The skilled MC is an extension of your team, your event organiser’s super power. There to lift you and your event, ensure audiences are engaged, your presenters and keynotes are elevated, and your event is flawless and memorable.

There are many moving parts to any event, a passionate and invested MC is a huge asset, not just a slick performer in a nice suit. I offer decades of experience to enhance your event experience….and a sharp suit!